SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Indented Results

SERP Feature Indented Results

What is the Indented SERP Feature?

The Indented SERP feature displays a secondary result indented under a primary result from the same domain. This occurs when two pages from the same website are shown in succession in the search results. The second page appears slightly indented below the first, indicating its relatedness to the main result.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: All
  • Ranking URL: Source Site


  • Indented Display: The secondary page is shown indented below the primary page, creating a visual hierarchy between the two results.
  • Related Content: This format highlights the relationship between the two pages, typically suggesting that the secondary page provides additional relevant information related to the primary page.
  • Site Attribution: Both results are attributed to the same domain, reinforcing the domain's authority and relevance for the search query.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Indented results provide increased visibility for multiple pages from the same domain, potentially driving more traffic to the site.
  • Improved User Experience: By showing related pages together, users can easily find additional relevant content without having to perform multiple searches.
  • Authority and Relevance: Displaying multiple results from the same domain can signal to users that the domain is authoritative and highly relevant to their query.

Examples of Use:

  • Product Pages: A search for a specific product might show the main product page followed by an indented result for customer reviews or related accessories.
  • Informational Content: A search for a topic like “SEO best practices” might show an article on SEO basics followed by an indented result linking to an in-depth guide or case study on the same site.
  • Service Listings: A search for a service provider might display the main service page followed by an indented result showing customer testimonials or detailed service descriptions.

Additional Notes:

  • Optimization: To achieve indented results, ensure that related pages are well-linked internally and cover complementary topics that add value to the user's search intent.
  • Content Hierarchy: Maintain a clear content hierarchy and use descriptive titles and meta descriptions to help search engines understand the relationship between the pages.
  • User Engagement: Encourage user engagement on both pages by providing high-quality content and clear calls to action, increasing the likelihood of both pages appearing in search results.

By leveraging the Indented SERP feature, websites can improve the visibility of related content, enhance user experience, and establish themselves as authoritative sources on specific topics. This feature allows users to access a more comprehensive set of information from a single domain, making it easier to find and explore relevant content.

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