SEO Glossary / Entry Page

Entry Page

What is an Entry Page?

An entry page is the first page that a visitor lands on when they visit your website. This page can be any on your site, not necessarily the homepage.

For instance, if one of your blog posts is ranking well in search results and a user clicks on it, that blog post would be the entry page for that user’s session. Similarly, users can land on various other pages like the homepage, products, services, pricing, resources, etc.

The term “Entry Page” is primarily used in website analytics software such as Adobe Analytics and Matomo. In contrast, Google Analytics refers to it as a “Landing Page.”

However, in the realm of digital marketing, a landing page refers to a standalone web page specifically designed for promotional purposes and often used in channels like PPC ads (on search engines and social media platforms) and email marketing.

Why are Entry Pages Important?

The entry page is important because it’s the first page a visitor sees on your site. It forms the general impression about the design, quality, speed, mobile usability, and overall experience with a website.

Thus, visitors’ subsequent engagement on your site depends on how they experience your entry page.

Often, the entry pages aren’t your selling/money pages—the pages that convert visitors into leads or customers. But people can navigate to your selling pages from entry pages.

In fact, you can use the entry pages data from Google Analytics and optimize them to create more engagement and drive users to your money pages.

How to Optimize Entry Pages?

Optimizing your most popular entry pages can help you get more leads and/or sales.

To find these pages in Google Analytics 4, navigate to Engagement > Landing Page. Entry Pages in GA 4

Once you identify your popular entry pages, follow these optimization tips.

1. Ensure They Load Fast

The page loading speed is the first thing that users pay attention to when they land on your site. Every page on your site should load fast, but it’s even more important for entry pages.

If these pages are slow, visitors will leave your site without any interaction, and your bounce rate will go up. More importantly, you’ll miss out on engagement and conversion opportunities.

So, consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and optimizing images and code to improve the page speed. To learn more, read our detailed guide on how to improve page speed.

2. Provide the Best User Experience

The user experience is important for every page on a website, but it’s especially critical for entry pages. Visitors may form an impression of your brand based on their experience of the entry page. So you must provide the best possible user experience.

Ensure that your entry pages have a clean design, engaging visuals, and easy-to-use navigation. This way, you can make it easy for your users to find what they’re looking for and guide them through the next steps.

You should certainly link to your money pages from the entry pages. It’s one of the best ways to convert visitors into customers. However, make sure that you’re linking to the relevant money pages and that the links are contextually placed in the content.

Also, use clear and compelling anchor text so that users know what they’re clicking on.

You can easily find the internal link opportunities for your target selling pages by using our Site Audit tool or free Webmaster Tools.

Internal link opportunities in Ranktracker's Site Audit


What’s the Difference Between a Landing Page and an Entry Page?

In online marketing, a landing page is a standalone page created for specific marketing or advertising campaigns such as Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, email marketing, etc. An entry page, on the other hand, is any page from which a user’s session begins—say, from a Google search.

For more information on how to improve your website's SEO and optimize your entry pages, visit the Ranktracker Blog and explore our SEO Glossary.

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