SEO Glossary / Deep Links

Deep Links

Deep links are URLs that point directly to specific content within a mobile app, rather than just launching the app's homepage. This allows users to bypass the main landing page and go straight to the desired content or feature within the app.

  1. App Indexing:

    • Mobile app developers sign up with Google to allow indexing of their apps. Google crawls these apps to index their content, similar to how it indexes web pages.
  2. Displaying Search Results:

    • When users perform a search on Google, the search results may include deep links to specific "pages" or content within apps. These links are displayed alongside traditional web page results.
  3. User Interaction:

    • If a user clicks on a deep link and has the relevant app installed, they are taken directly to the specific content within the app. If the app is not installed, the user will be prompted to install it to access the content.
  1. Enhanced User Experience:

    • Deep links streamline the user journey by taking them directly to the content they are interested in, reducing the number of steps and improving overall user satisfaction.
  2. Improved App Engagement:

    • By directing users to specific content, deep links can increase engagement and retention within the app. Users are more likely to return to an app that provides quick and easy access to the information they need.
  3. Better Search Visibility:

    • Allowing Google to index app content through deep links enhances the app's visibility in search results. This can drive more traffic to the app and increase the likelihood of user installations.
  4. Seamless Integration with Web Content:

    • Deep links bridge the gap between web and mobile app content, providing a cohesive user experience across different platforms. This integration is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate both a website and a mobile app.
  1. Basic Deep Links:

    • These links work if the app is already installed. They take the user directly to the specific content within the app.
  2. Deferred Deep Links:

    • These links work regardless of whether the app is installed. If the app is not installed, the user is directed to the app store to download the app. Once installed, the user is taken to the specific content.
  3. Contextual Deep Links:

    • These links carry additional information that provides context to the destination content. This can include user-specific data, such as login credentials or referral information, ensuring a personalized experience.
  1. URL Schemes:

    • Custom URL schemes are used to create deep links specific to an app. These schemes must be registered with the app's manifest file to handle deep link requests.
  2. App Links:

    • For Android apps, developers use App Links, which are HTTP URLs that point to both web content and app content. This provides a seamless transition between web and app experiences.
  3. Universal Links:

    • For iOS apps, Universal Links are used. These are standard web links that can be configured to open within the app if installed or fallback to the web if not.


Deep links are a powerful tool for enhancing user engagement and improving the discoverability of app content. By directing users straight to the relevant sections within an app, deep links streamline navigation and improve the overall user experience. Implementing deep links can significantly benefit app developers and businesses by driving higher engagement, retention, and visibility in search results.

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