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What Is Page Speed

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 2 min read


Page speed logs how fast the content on a page is set or loads. Page loading speed is sometimes confused with site speed, which is actually a different term. Page speed is described as load time or time to first byte. Faster page speed helps with page ranking and better conversion. Faster page speeds are preferable, and it has been found that faster pages rank and convert better.

Top SEO Tactics: Page Speed

Google has confirmed that page or site speed is used in its algorithm to rank pages. Fewer crawlers can access pages that load slowly and, therefore, fewer pages can be indexed. Page speed is also important to users of the site. Slower load times adversely affect conversion rates and site returns. Search engines, when they are considering page speed, are measuring first byte time.

Slower page speed means fewer crawl and negative indexation of the website. Ultimately, page speed is a factor of user experience. Longer load and wait times equal higher bounce rates because longer page loading time has been shown to have negative impact on conversions.

Site Compression

Use Gzip, the software program intended for data compression, to scale back the dimensions of your current CSS, HTML, and also JavaScript data files that might be larger than 150 bytes. Gzips is not useful on image files. Instead, compress these files using a program like Photoshop, which would allow you to maintain quality control over your images.

Minify CSS, JavaScript, in addition to HTML

Optimizing your code can significantly boost your current page speed. Also eliminate code responses, formatting, as well as abandoned code. Google suggests applying YUI Compressor for both CSS and JavaScript.

Lower Redirects

Redirects will slow down functioning speed. If the redirect pattern of the mobile site is coded like this:

123abc.com -> www. 123abc.com -> m. 123abc.com -> m. 123abc.com/home   

Each time a page redirects to another webpage, your current website visitor faces a longer period looking forward to the particular HTTP request-response circuit to perform. The two additional redirections make the pages load slower each time. These redirects negatively impact user experience.

Browser Caching

Web browsers cache large quantities of information (style sheets, photographs, JavaScript records, and more) to ensure that whenever a website visitor returns to a site, that page isn’t forced to reload completely. Work with a tool such as YSlow to find out when you already have a great expiry time set for your cache. Then established your "expires" header for how long you want data to remain cached. Google provides information about leveraging cache, and unless your sites changes design more than once a year, the information provided on their site should be very helpful.

Increase Server Reaction

The number of visitors you receive directly impacts your current server reply period. To boost your server reply speed, seek out performance bottlenecks like slow-moving inquiries, slower routing, or even a reduction caused by insufficient then work to repair these items. The perfect server response period is actually under 200ms.

Make use of a content supply circle

Content distribution networks (CDNs) are networks connected with servers that are utilized to distribute across a connected data-sharing network. Essentially, copies of your site are stashed on several, geographically various info facilities so that end users can access the information more quickly than previously allowed.

Boost graphics

Be sure that your pictures are no larger than they have to be, that they are in the proper file, and they are downsized for the web. Employ CSS sprites to make a template concerning pictures that you just employ regularly with your site like buttons along and icons. CSS sprites combine images directly into one substantial photograph that loads in a short time (which indicates much fewer HTTP requests). You will save load time by not requiring users to wait for multiple image loading queues.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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