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Using user experience marketing tactics to rank higher

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 6 min read

Using user experience marketing tactics to rank higher


Search engines are no longer dependent upon matching the keywords to the webpages. With recent changes to the algorithm, one has to move towards understanding new concepts. Thus, you have SEO strategies that go kaput, mainly due to it being based only on strategies that are fine-tuned for keyword related algorithms, which no longer exist. This article will help you see how far SEO algorithms have progressed from keywords, and they have gone to integrate user experience marketing as a more realistic strategy, and adapted them to the modern search engine algorithms.

Getting rid of preconceived algorithms

In the year 2012, Google announced a change, a drastic shift from the calculated algorithms that was the heart of SEO. Also known as the knowledge graph, it was primarily designated to improve the search engine algorithm. But a drastic change ensured that it was rendered and pointless. With a new generation of search algorithms introduced in 2013 by the name of Hummingbird, a lot of changes would to be seen. A noticeable impact was concepts that matter more than the keywords on the website, which was certainly picked up by the top ranking websites. One important question eluding everyone is if Google has truly moved away from matching the search queries to the keywords located in a webpage, why is there a constant need to worry about keywords located in the webpages? A more important question would be how a diligent Webmaster can optimize the website for the search engine, when keywords do not help in the metrics to judge a website? Well, aren’t we having fun?

Are SEO strategies according to keywords obsolete?

You can say that SEO as we know it no longer exists. However, what is beyond doubt is that Google has shifted the metrics of ranking website from simple keyword based text relevance to ranking websites that are related to knowledge, plus a lot of other factors that are ingrained in the website. Now, rather than matching keywords for the search query, Google is looking to understand the search query in terms of things, places, and the people in question.

How can search engine evolve beyond keywords?

When you retrieve information from the top ranking websites, you see that the present search results do not have the intended keyword on the designated webpage. It is mainly done through a query known as query reformulation. Sometimes, search queries by users can be extremely vague, and contain multiple meanings. With the query reformulation, the search engine can refine the original query searched by the user; break it down to interpret it better, and expand the search to find out a lot more websites than originally intended in accordance to the previous keyword phrase only policy. This research paper makes use of an example search query, like “becoming a doctor” as being extremely vague and provides reformulation techniques to transform it into “ becoming an oral surgeon” so as to achieve better results.

Multiple meanings by keyword searches:

It is common for various words to have multiple meanings. It is for this reason that Google has made use of geographical signals, previous signals, search history, and statistical signals in order to identify the most popular reason users have been searching for that phrase, and displays the result based upon the particular research. In plain terms, it is referred to as identifying the search history, locating the geographical position of the user, and catering to the search term of that particular place.

Writing content featuring the user experience:

Publishing content that was built around keywords has now become obsolete, and the people that still practice building their website around keywords are facing an uphill struggle. Yes, there are search engine optimization strategies that work towards obtaining the links via this method, but it is diminishing by the day. Keyword-based websites feel mundane, not because they have bad content, but because they are not catering to the people. In fact, in this age of social media, it becomes extremely difficult for people to promote such pages. The pages that are built around user experience tend to generate greater enthusiasm, which in turn encourages the users to share the page.

Perhaps, the best way for you to get links as of today is when you share positive experiences. Scientific research has discovered that if the webpages are of personal experiences, motivational stories, then it is more than likely to get shared the most. So, the users are not sharing the links, rather they are sharing experiences. It is such experiences, and not keywords that can get the spotlight on the publishers, which in turn will be able to help them score better rankings. One of the most enthusiastic methods to gather links are recommendations. There is a certain amount of emotion that is invested when you get the recommendation of website. A lot of people feel useful when the recommend a good website that can help the other person aspire to be something that they want. It is those motivations that help a user to find themselves attached to your website, and share your information. All the while, you have been extracting link juice from the enormous sharing done by the user. 90% of the time, a webpage would not perform well due to it being built up with keywords in mind, instead of making it user friendly and beneficial to the user visiting the website. As a publisher, you need to build a webpage that makes it very easy to reach, and building links would happen automatically with people sharing your webpage. It becomes very easy for you to rank, even with a lot of competition. You have to realize that devoting a certain amount of time to creating content based around user experience is not quantum mechanics. It is an approach that may seem pragmatic, but it provides an emotional resonance with the user, thereby encouraging a lot of sales, massive viral traffic and a lot of passive revenue.

Is there a specific algorithm for user experience?

Google, the mother ship of all search engines, have of late, created algorithms that would increasingly lean towards user experience metrics so as to evaluate the satisfaction of the user. The obvious example of an algorithm would be the 2012 page layout algorithm. One of the most recent user experience related algorithm would be in April 2015, with a preference to mobile friendly websites. In all actuality, there is no sign about the presence of a user experience algorithm. However, ample evidence suggests that user experience has a vital role to play to rank your website. Although, user experience may not directly affect your rankings; however, it does have a say in tackling the competition and generating revenue of your website.

User experience marketing to regain top ranking

If recent evidence is not enough, and you still think about building websites according to keyword phrases, please carry on. You would be doing yourself a lot of harm. Instead, try and think about delivering a good user experience. You have to make sure that the website can fulfill the need of the customer, which in this case happens to be a search term. Regardless of whether you happen to be an authority on the subject or not, the user experience on your website should be the best that you can come up with.

Letting the users decide

Of course if your content is engaging, then it would keep your users long enough to perform the desired action. It could be becoming a prospective lead, purchasing a product, or even clicking a link. Whatever you achieve is critical to your success. If there is the click back from the website to the search engine, it provides a negative signal to the search engine about your inability to fulfill the desires of the user. While, this has no implicit action for the short-term, the long-term possibilities could start to dwindle in case there are any algorithm changes that can identify this problem and affect your rankings. Do not dwell on CDR; it is not a ranking factor, it is more like a quality control metrics that has been used to judge the success of the algorithm. So, as soon as you get your hand on such metrics, make sure that you can identify the problem for click back, and take appropriate steps early on.

A few tips to retain visitors on your site much longer

  • Do not overburden your visitors purchase them away with too many advertisers.
  • Make the content very easy to scan, and viewable.
  • Tend to understand the mindset of your users, in case your content becomes dissent resting, offer suggestions of similar posts.
  • Encourage opt-in messaging. After going through the grind of the website, there are certain things that can be further down to improve the image of your website and encourage user experience.
  • Encourage sharing in social networking platforms.
  • Cultivate relationships with non-competitors; engaging them would only bring more traffic to your website.
  • Try and cultivate good reviews for the sake of your brand.

Marketing user experience in your website

It is important that you recognize that the success of a website will today is dependent upon user experience. Even a PPC landing page that is founded on the principles of providing high-end user experience can lead to excellent returns in terms of rankings. Search engines are increasingly understanding on how webpages are to be ranked; it is no more dependent upon keywords, but rather the total context of user experience. As of today, relevancy of the content is still the leader in SEO rankings. However, user experience marketing is becoming increasingly important in how pages are being shown in the search results. The important role of cultivating a traffic that is recurrent and independent of the search engine is also important for the benefits of the website.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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